This Advil product works a lot quicker than the normal Advil. With the regular Advil I always ended up taking multiple pills to get rid of my headaches. With this product I only have to take 1 pill and it worked in about 15 minutes. This also didn't upset my stomach like a lot of film-coated pills and it didn't make me tired.
There are a few downsides to this pill. It has a weird aftertaste that's similar to vanilla. It also cost quite a bit more than regular Advil but it's worth it. It's also a bigger pill than the normal Advil but I didn't have any issues swallowing it.
It is known that it can cause heartburn like symptoms so it's recommended that you take this with food and plenty of water.
Overall I recommend this product because of how much quicker it works and how well it works with just one tablet.
I received samples of this product from CrowdTap for my opinion. All ideas are my own.